Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Weight loss is all about learning how to balance your life.........this is one thing I have not yet mastered.....

Here's me:
~A full time Graduate Student. ---I have to read about a minimum of 120 pages a week---and I should add that this is highly academic/scholarly type reading. ----It's no Harry Potter Book. For comparison-It takes me about 1 hour, sometimes a bit more, to read 20 pages.....Harry Potter....I can read a 700 page book in about a day and a half.. Now on top of my reading, I have at least one, sometimes two, papers to write each week. A paper takes me about a minimum of 10 hours to write. And, I attend class for 4 hours a week. So let's total this up. 6 hrs min of reading + 10 hrs of paper writing + 4 hours of class time = 20 hours a week of school work (AT A MINIMUM), at a maximum it would probably be about 35-40......What does that sound like to you? To me it sounds like, some weeks school is a part time job, some weeks school is full time job.
~ On top of school, I also work a normal job. 36 hours a week typically. Some weeks we throw in an extra day. This means between school and my paid job, I work a minimum of 66 hours a week, maximum of 85. Phew. It really is feeling nice to lay this out. 
~  Now......I have a weight loss goal....Which requires loads of dedication. And loads of working out. My true goal is to get in a workout 6 days a week for an hour at a time. That is 6 hours a week.
~ I also have a wonderful, loving fiance.......He also needs to be allotted some time each week to hear my voice and enjoy some time. And to be honest, I need some time each week to enjoy his voice and enjoy some time not dedicated to work... I honestly don't know how the mom's I know do it. It's hard enough for me to balance all of this, I couldn't imagine having to throw raising children into the mix. 
~ And....I am planning a wedding. 

~~~~~~~~~Man I am one busy person!!!~~~~~~~~~

So how do I balance this? How do I get my workouts in? Anyone have advice? Tips? Usually I can manage, but sometimes, it just doesn't work. 

So this past week/weekend I did horrible! Horrible! I had two papers to write this weekend, so in turn, I got no exercise in! AND! because I still have very bad habits that I need to break, I snacked a lot. We bought some baked cheetos from Trader Joes.....and I ate way too many, and then during the time that I was writing one of my papers,  I ate even more cheetos because I had to stay up all night and I needed "fuel" to keep me going.....EXCUSES!!!!!! I really need to stick by my mantra of STOPPING THE EXCUSES!!!...and this weekend, I met with a cake baker for the wedding, so I tried some cake...Really, this weekend was HORRIBLE for my diet and for my exercise.....Just trying to bounce back.....

So with that being said....I guess I will say goodbye and go hit the treadmill!

oh, and p.s. I took some before pics that I am hoping to show here's just a matter of my having some time to blog! :) but, it's something to look forward to.

Until next time....


  1. I cannot wait to see your pictures....

  2. Girl - thanks for following my blog! :) Good luck on your journey!

    One way to get your workouts in - and you may already be doing this - is get them finished in the morning. If you're anything like me it SUCKS, BUT gets the job done. Then - you can spend your evenings doing WHATEVER you please! :)

  3. I totally understand where you're coming from Miranda! I too, am a student working full-time (and working at the weight-loss thing).

    And I have a slight obsession with Harry Potter ; )

    I think that fatigue makes weight loss really difficult. I know when I'm tired- either because I have to stay up very late to finish school work, or the next day because I didn't get enough sleep- I too eat for energy. That's when I usually turn to junk food or fast food.

    Keep with it though! I hear that exercise both gives you more energy (I'm waiting for this one to kick in) and makes you smarter- so either way it should help with school!

    You can do it!
