Saturday, October 30, 2010

Magic Weight Loss Potion

I know you are all looking for that magic weight loss potion right? That one thing that will just make you lose tons of weight while just sitting on your couch and doing nothing? Well I have got it! 

(come on guys, do you really think I would have given you some fad/hoax diet?)

No really. Hear me out. Everyone knows that you are supposed to drink AT LEAST eight 8-oz glasses of water a day right? This is serious! REALLY! DO IT! It is really important for your body and for your health and ESPECIALLY if you are trying to lose weight. In Fact, if you are trying to lose weight or you are over weight, you are supposed to drink one additional glass of water for every 25 pounds you are overweight! Lemme help you with the math...a normal person should drink 64 ounces of water a day, and someone who is 50 pounds overweight (me) should drink 114 ounces of water a day! Phew that's a lot of water right? Well, it's not really that hard to get water in, so long as you get rid of everything else you drink. All your sugary death drinks (soda, concentrated juices, etc).     JUST DRINK WATER! AND THROW OUT YOUR DANG EXCUSES FOR WHY YOU CAN'T!!! I HAVE AND YOU CAN TOO!

So your wondering...why should I drink water? Why is water so dang important? Here blogreader, let me tell you. 

~ Water is a natural appetite suppressant! That's right, get rid of your stupid diet pills and drink water!
~ Water helps to metabolize your fat. Layman terms: Water helps your fat GO AWAY! In fact, an increase in water intake will decrease body fat AND a decrease in water will INCREASE your fat! Well, here it is, if you want less fat, just DRINK WATER!
~ The whole myth about drinking water makes you have more water weight is FALSE!!!!! The reason you get water weight is because you are putting your body into starvation mode for water so it tries to hold onto every last bit of water it has. How do you get rid of this? DRINK WATER!!!! When you are giving your body a constant supply of water, it will stop storing water! 
~ (For the non-overweight-ers - yes drinking water is for you too!) Water helps maintain proper muscle tone! 
~ Water helps flush out all your body waste aka FAT! 

There is a million more benefits, but these are the ones specifically related to weight loss. Feel free to google for yourself all of the many benefits of water! There are hundreds! 

LESSON TO TAKE AWAY: WATER IS OUR LIQUID GOLD, OUR MAGIC POTION! DRINK IT!  ^^^^^there's where I got my info! Gotta give credit where credit's due!

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